Så lägg dig ner och sov, lilla syster.
"This is the Earth, at a time when the dinosaurs roamed a lush and fertile planet. A piece of rock just 6 miles wide changed all that. It hit with the force of 10,000 nuclear weapons. A trillion tons of dirt and rock hurtled into the atmosphere, creating a suffocating blanket of dust the sun was powerless to penetrate for a thousand years. It happened before. It will happen again. It's just a question of when."
Kan inledning utantill helst seriöst. Undrar hur många gånger jag sett filmen, haha. Snacka skit om den och känn dig pretty much DÖD. Men ah, i alla fall. Sova ska jag göra nu. GNIGHTSLEEPTIGHT
Kan inledning utantill helst seriöst. Undrar hur många gånger jag sett filmen, haha. Snacka skit om den och känn dig pretty much DÖD. Men ah, i alla fall. Sova ska jag göra nu. GNIGHTSLEEPTIGHT